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Allure - April 2012, Nicki Minaj

Her new album is scheduled to arrive on April 3rd, and Nicki Minaj continues to ascend her star to superstar status by grabbing the April cover of Allure, where she talks about her fascination with hair and striving for Jay-Z's level of success.

View excerpts from the "Starships" rapper and more photos from her eccentric spread, which was shot by resident photographer Michael Thompson, beneath:

On Striving for the Success of Jay-Z:
"I never thought about music as just being the end-all, be-all. I always looked at it like a business, something that I could create an empire out of. So that's why I'm only about to put out my second album and I'm already thinking about this. I had a little conversation with Jay-Z at the Victoria's Secret fashion show. He said, 'Congratulations on all your success.' And I was like, 'Yeah, I'm coming for you. I'm coming for your spot, Mr. Mogul.'"

On Her Fascination with Hair:
"I was doing every- and anything to it—putting in wads of gel and brushing it to the next century, and just thinking I was so cute. I always thought I had an eye for that stuff."

On Reinventing Herself Through Her Hair:
"I had done something I thought was really, really, really cute, and I showed my neighbor. She was like, 'Why'd you do that to your hair?' And I never forget what I said: 'I'm someone new in this hair.'"

On Her Young Supporters:
"I think as far as the younger demo is concerned, I play dress-up. I also can put on a very cartoonish voice. So sometimes children may not know what I'm saying, but they like the sound of it, and they think I sound like some weird character."

Allure - April 2012, Nicki Minaj
Allure - April 2012, Nicki Minaj
Allure - April 2012, Nicki Minaj

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