McConaissance continues next month when Matthew McConaughey returns to the big screen in Christopher Nolan's world-saving epic 'Interstellar', and in promotion of the soon-to-to box office juggernaut, the Oscar winner covers the November issue of GQ magazine.
In the forthcoming issue, the handsome actor dishes on the resurgence of his career as a serious actor, being proud of some of his romantic comedies and finally becoming the one thing that he always wanted to be -- a dad. Read excerpts from his interview and peep another photo beneath:
How do you like the word McConaissance?
It's a cool word. It sounds good. It's got a good meter.
It's almost like you had to have one, just so we could call it that.
When you say it, it's like, "I don't know what that is, but it sounds good."
You've been famous since your early twenties. Did you feel like it was a problem, having your image set at such a young age? I've never had fears that I was stuck in one thing. I'm sure we're going to talk about the years when I was in romantic comedies and I was seen as the guy who was on the beach, running around shirtless. I did that. Damn right that was me. I wasn't scared like, "Oh God, I'm going to be stuck here." But I was like, I understand at some point that that is in italics now. So I said, "You know what? I'm not going to be openly presenting that for a while. I'm going to un-brand."
Romantic Comedies
Since you bring it up, is there work in the romantic comedies that you're proud of? Absolutely. These things aren't easy. What's hard is to make them look easy. Those kinds of movies are what they are. They get pooh-poohed by critics. They get pooh-poohed by actors themselves. And in a way I get it, but in other ways it's completely unfair. There's a buoyancy you need to make them work. I believe I gave them buoyancy. And some of the shoots were very difficult, with me trying to fight for the balls on the guy.
What do you mean? What's a romantic comedy? Boy meets girl. They get together. Something happens. Girl takes off. Boy chases girl. They get back together. The end. A lot of times the male is somewhat emasculated, meaning he has to crawl back and say, "I'm nothing without you. If you don't take me back, I'm nothing." And I was always like, "What girl wants that guy?" I've got no problem saying, "I'm sorry. You want to give this another shot?" But I've got to come back with some integrity—even if it's on a moped with a veil on my head. Look, I'm happy if you think I "cruised through" those. I did my work.
I guess it would be an asshole question to ask you to name them all.
Wedding Planner, Failure to Launch, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Fool's Gold, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past... There's five.
And the women that were in them.
So, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Hudson, Kate, Jennifer.
Being A Dad
What do you mean by "secret weapon"?
Never is a man more of a man than when he is the father of a newborn. Whatever decisions you make in the first six months of becoming a father, double down on them. I mean, you're meeting the Courier. You're meeting the Shepherd, the Future Prince. You immediately have something you don't have to think about. You know what's important. Bam! And the clarity of that is like, "Whew." I definitely got more selfish. And at the same time, I think I got more compassionate, which don't always go together, you know?
Were you scared of becoming a father? It's the one thing I've always wanted to be. I knew when I was 8 years old. I mean, I wanted to be things like the Washington Redskins running back and all that stuff, but the one thing I knew I wanted to be was a father. I understood that was why my dad was making me say "Yes, sir" and "Yes, ma'am" to elders. You know, "I'm not on par with the adults yet. There's places to go."
Do your kids say sir and ma'am? Yeah. We just like it. We like the Mr. and Mrs. and the please and thank you's. We take a version of that southern thing.
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